In-home dog training using positive reinforcement

Good Dog! Training Company provides high-quality positive reinforcement training for dogs and puppies in Livingston County, Michigan.

What is positive reinforcement training?

“Positive reinforcement training” means training without coercion, fear, punishment, or pain. Positive reinforcement training focuses on providing reward-based incentives to reinforce desirable behavior. I use positive reinforcement training not only because it’s nicer, but because it is scientifically proven to work better than other training methods.


Why hire a professional dog trainer?

Whether your dog pulls on the leash, jumps up on guests, or just needs to learn basic manners, every dog can benefit from professional training.

A certified professional trainer like Adrienne Is educated about using science and behavior-based methods to make training more efficient, and uses positive teaching and training techniques to help you and your pet make training fun. A trainer will bring an objective eye to the situation and diagnose the source of problem behavior. They can then develop a plan using scientifically proven methods address the issue.